Retreat Insights: 7 Tips from Anne Bérubé

During the 2024 Lemurian Huna Retreat in Kauai, I had the honour of guiding an incredible group through deep spiritual transformations. It’s moments like these, surrounded by the powerful energy of Kauai, that remind us of the immense capacity we have to heal, love, and grow. 

But the real challenge often begins when we return home, where the beauty and stillness of the retreat can feel far away. 

How do we continue nurturing that self-love and spiritual awakening in the midst of our everyday routines?

I’ve created this recording to help you do just that. 

In it, I offer the most vital steps for maintaining the connection to your inner wisdom and carrying the insights you’ve gained into your daily life. These steps are essential, whether you’ve joined me in Kauai or not—because the truth is, this journey of self-love and spiritual growth is always available to you, no matter where you are.

Register now for the Lemurian Huna Retreat 2025 to experience this transformative journey in Kauai. Register Here.

Here are my key tips for staying connected and continuing to nurture your growth after a retreat:

7 ways to keep the magic of your retreat alive

  1. Honour yourself first

During and after the retreat, it’s important to focus on yourself. It's all about you. Instead of trying to help others, prioritize your growth and healing. This ensures you can bring your full, authentic self into every aspect of your life.

  1. Practice the ha breath

A simple but powerful technique from ancient Hawaiian teachings, the ha breath grounds you in your body and connects you to the present moment. In through the nose, out through the mouth with an audible breath. If you breathe like this all day, all week, you will be different... It’s the number one tool for transformation.

  1. Stay in your body, not your thoughts

True wisdom comes from the body, not the mind. When challenges arise post-retreat, bring your attention below the neck. Focus on the sensations in your body instead of being stuck in your head or old thinking patterns. 

  1. Set clear boundaries

Recognize when others may drain our light and say "No" when necessary. It’s no longer the era of holding people’s hands or being responsible for other people. 

  1. Remember your power

The spiritual awakening experienced at a retreat can sometimes feel overwhelming. However, it’s essential to trust that this new level of awareness is your true essence calling you forward. 

  1. Embrace playfulness and openness

Carrying the spiritual energy from the retreat doesn’t mean staying serious or vigilant. Have a soft belly of joy and approach life playfully, much like the wild Black Panther. Stay open to love and the environment around you, while also protecting your heart when needed.

  1. Let go of others’ expectations

Post-retreat, we are not responsible for others’ discomfort in our presence. As you walk through life, embodying the love and light you’ve accessed, others might feel uneasy. That’s their journey, not yours. You are not responsible for the discomfort of the person in front of you. Give them the opportunity to be with the discomfort long enough so they can remember they are love.

Join the #LemurianHuna2024 series to explore how Kauai's ancient wisdom can profoundly impact your spiritual growth.

Exclusive: A glimpse into the Lemurian Huna Retreat 

Not everyone can make the journey to Kauai, but that doesn’t mean you can’t access the teachings of the Lemurian Huna Retreat from where you are right now. In this exclusive recording, I walk you through a profound moment of transformation, helping you to embody love and carry it forward into your everyday life.

Ready to transform your life?

Register now for the Lemurian Huna Retreat in Kauai
March 9-16, 2025 • Moloaa Bay, Kauai, HI

Spaces are limited! Secure your spot today and immerse yourself in this transformative experience.

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