Awakening Uli: Journey into Ancient Lemurian Wisdom

Anne Bérubé - Awakening Uli

Video: Anne Bérubé on using the divine mother energy, Uli, to heal her relationship with her biological mother by understanding and embracing unconditional love.

When I first connected with her energy, it was through my teacher, Laura Kealoha Yardley, on Kauai, and after a couple days of this intensive training with her, it became very clear that I needed some help with my relationship with my own mother, my earthly mother, my biological mother. And Laura suggested that we bring in the energy of Uli. And the way that she presented it is that we all share this divine mother, we all share this primary, primordial mother essence within us and that energy is a representation and a manifestation of Divine Love, of unconditional love, of love with no opposites. And it manifests as an experience of unconditional love inside the body, and the heart, in the human being. And so connecting with that energy allows the healing around the relationship with the earthly mother to happen because there's the expectations of our earthly mother to be all those things are what has put us in this position in the first place and it's completely normal for a little girl a little boy to you know, to have these hopes and desires of how the mother loves, and supports, and nurtures and cares for them, but it's not reasonable all the time, because we're human.

This quality of the divine mother is a quality that envelops everything and holds everything. And it's not possible for a human being to be all those qualities. And it let go of some of the pressure that I put on my relationship with my mother, and it allowed me to let go of those expectations. But in letting go of those expectations or the way that I hoped that it would be, it allowed me to experience the essence of mother within myself, like, the essence of Uli, the great mother inside myself, almost as if I was falling backwards into the arms of an unconditionally loving parent. And that experience released my own mother from this unhealthy bond that I was holding her in and this unhealthy connection that I was holding her in, because of our experience together. And that was a very powerful experience when I first connected with Uli, with her energy, and so I'm excited to bring her into your world if you feel inclined and called to connect with her.

🌀 Dive into the Essence of Huna! 🌀
Before embarking on this enlightening journey, start with my foundational post on Huna to grasp the depth of ancient wisdom awaiting you! 🌿

In Lemuria, the teachings were pure, balanced, and honoured the god/goddess. The ancient mother goddess of Lemuria was known as the beloved goddess Uli. She was the most important deity in the ancient Hawaiian pantheon for she was the mother of all the gods and goddesses. Uli is the birther of self, and by her example of self-creation, she empowers us and shows how to create ourselves exactly as we desire.

💠 Experience the Teachings Firsthand: As you journey through the wisdom of Lemuria, consider deepening your understanding in the very lands where this ancient knowledge blossoms. My upcoming retreat in Kauai is a bridge to this wisdom, blending accelerated, esoteric, and shamanic teachings. Discover the Lemurian Huna Retreat in Kauai.

The kahunas of Hawaii were guardians of this ancient lineage of the great goddess Uli, as well as caretakers of the esoteric knowledge. For a long time, the carefully guarded secrets were in the hands of only the highest priests and seers, and the knowledge of Uli gradually went underground and the balance was upset. Now, however, the energy of Uli is available to all who call upon her. She is again coming forth to facilitate the remembering of this ancient wisdom, and to bestow her blessings on all those who turn to her.

Lemuria, divine feminine energy, and personal healing

Uli represents the feminine aspect of God. She is very present today to anyone who wants to connect with her. This is her time to come back into our lives and into the world and she's very available, she's right there. In this post, I share with you her symbol, so that you can also use it to bring her energy into your life.

When I first connected with her energy, it was through my teacher, Laura Kealoha Yardley, on Kauai, and after a couple of days of this intensive training with her, it became very clear that I needed some help with my relationship with my own mother, my earthly mother, my biological mother. Laura suggested that we bring in the energy of Uli.

The way that she presented it is that we all share this divine mother, we all share this primary, primordial mother essence within us and that energy is a representation and a manifestation of divine love, of unconditional love, of love with no opposites. It manifests as an experience of unconditional love inside the body, and the heart, in the human being.

Connecting with that energy allows the healing around the relationship with the earthly mother to happen because there's the expectation of our earthly mother to be all those things and that’s what has put us in this position in the first place.

It's completely normal for a little girl or a little boy to have these hopes and desires of how the mother loves, supports, nurtures and cares for them, but it's not reasonable all the time, because we're human.

This quality of the divine mother is a quality that envelops everything. And it's not possible for a human being to have all those qualities.

And it let go of some of the pressure that I put on my relationship with my mother, and it allowed me to let go of those expectations.

Letting go of those expectations or the way that I hoped that it would be, allowed me to experience the essence of mother within myself, the essence of UIi, the great mother, inside myself, almost as if I were falling backwards into the arms of an unconditionally loving parent.

That experience released my own mother from the unhealthy bond that I was holding her in and released this unhealthy connection I had held, stemming from our shared experiences. That was a very powerful experience when I first connected with Uli, with her energy, and so I'm excited to bring her into your world if you feel inclined and called to connect with her.

Reconnecting with the divine feminine energy of Uli

It's very important that we don't see gods and goddesses as figures that are outside of ourselves, that are on a pedestal, or that are somewhere in the sky, completely separate from us. They're absolutely not.

The energy of Uli lives inside us and we are her and I want to make sure that point comes across because we don't need another way to give our power away, we don't need something else outside of ourselves that's better and bigger, and more evolved than us, no, this Uli, the goddess, is within us. It is who we are, we are the great mother.

But sometimes we need something that is a reflection of who we are to bring us back into the integration of who we are. And so we think of her as a representation of the ideal unconditional love of the mother. But at the end of the day, we must remember that we are not separate from her. In fact, it is our true nature—we embody the divine mother within. And in the body, she lives in the first two chakras. She nurtures, she holds, she supports, she guides us, she is always there, always present. She's very compassionate, and very understanding, and very kind, very tender. All those qualities that we have within us, if we connect with those qualities, even more, we can feel her presence even more.

Symbolism and invocation: Harnessing the healing energy of Uli

We can invoke Uli by using the Huna symbol: Uli Nana Pono.

Healing symbols are a central part of Huna philosophy. Meditating on a symbol can cause a shift in consciousness, as well as dramatic openings in the energy circuitry of the body. The symbols seem to do what the tradition of the Ancient Hawaiians suggests—they enlighten!

Uli Nana Pono means: Right, peaceful serene flame.

When this symbol is used, Uli responds and sends her calm, centred energy to clear a situation or an issue. The symbol increases the movement of energy through the body and settles worries.

According to Martha Beckwith, American author and folklorist in Hawaiian Mythology, Uli is "The Goddess of sorcery, sister of Manua, god of the underworld."

Just looking at the symbol, just saying the words, I can feel her energy coming into my sphere, into my being. The left side of the body is the feminine side; if you notice any sensations occurring on the left side of the body, it usually means it has something to do with your relationship with your mother, or the mother, and the mother essence, or the great mother.

It's just interesting to notice how the body is trying to communicate these different things with us. Depending on if you experience the sensation on the left side, but maybe at the level of your neck, or your shoulder, then it may have something to do with the voice chakra, your ability to speak, this peace, compassion, understanding, kindness, nurturing.

If you feel it more at the level of your chest, like your heart, or your lungs, then it may have something to do with the limiting beliefs that you carry around what it means to be a woman, what it means to be feminine, what it means to be a powerful goddess. If you're a man: what it means to be a man, with a powerful mother essence that is healthy and alive inside of them.

Connecting with feminine energy for healing and growth

Decoding what the body's saying is always a good way to bring us to the next step in our healing.

For me, I struggled with the feminine energy for a long time, I didn't like it. I didn't have a good understanding of it based on my relationship with my mom and my dad; I didn't have a model of the kind of love that I experience now, when I'm in meditation, and I'm teaching, when I'm coaching or doing healing sessions.

Growing up as a teenager and then becoming a young woman, I struggled with that side of me.

I didn't like that side of me that was vulnerable, that was soft, that was emotional, that was intuitive. I tried to control and manage pretty much every aspect of my life so that I could feel safe and feel like I was in control.

But reconnecting, really remembering the essence of the mother inside myself has been probably the greatest experience for me on my healing path. It's the base of everything—she gives birth to everything. The energy of the mother gives birth to everything. Connecting with Uli is connecting with life itself, the giver of life itself.

💠 Experience the Profound Energies of Uli in Kauai! 💠

After immersing yourself in the depths of Uli’s divine feminine energy, consider taking a transformative step forward. Venture to Kauai, one of the most potent energetic portals in the world, and truly embody the teachings of Lemurian Huna.

🌺 Lemurian Huna on Kauai Retreat - May 1-8, 2024 🌺

  • Revel in daily programming led by me alongside a special guest.
  • Savour high-vibrational meals crafted by private chefs, brimming with fresh, local ingredients.
  • Embark on group excursions exploring the spiritual treasures of the island.
  • Channel Lemurian healing energies, discover your unique medicine and embrace the nourishing embrace of Uli, the great mother.

Limited spots available! To ensure a genuine and transformative experience for all participants, we ask potential attendees to apply. Apply Now and embark on a journey of spiritual revelation and personal evolution.

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