
transformation Sep 16, 2019

For most of my 20s, autumn was associated with drama. Something about the weather changing and school starting again made me slip into a mild depression and I would react by creating unnecessary conflict and intensity in my relationships, as to keep me awake and entertained! In reality, I was trying to avoid the discomfort of an inner malaise, one I had been keeping at bay with summer distractions, but would have to face once the winter weather enticed me to spend more time looking inwards and being alone with myself.

The passing of seasons, the rising and setting of the sun, the blooming of a flower and the metamorphosis of a caterpillar are all-natural cycles that represent phases of life. We, humans, are interconnected with these cycles in nature and we are affected by the beginnings and the ends occurring around as well as within. They manifest as intense emotions, confusion, a feeling of being lost, tightness, and sometimes pain. When autumn and winter come around, the energy...

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We embody ourselves to free our soul

Uncategorized Sep 06, 2019

Do you know that as the boundless soul that you are, it is possible to be absolutely free and also be fully incarnated in your body here on earth? The contrast seems too big sometimes, such an expanded essence for such a tiny and dense vessel. But one thing I now know for sure, after 10 years of teaching applied autopoiesis to individuals, is that we have to go in to expand out. We embody all of ourselves, own every part, so we can free our soul. I've seen it happen countless times, for myself, and so many others. The conditioning of the past that is lodged in the body breaks down and goes home. We are left decloaked, bare, who we truly are, free. This practice heals, transforms, and brings clarity. It shapes our life.

When we lead from that place, we don't just know that we are interconnected with everyone and everything around us, we feel it with every cell in our body. It's enlivening, enlightening, and it brings so much meaning to the people around...

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How Did You Learn To Love?

We don’t always realize it, but even with the best of intentions, we model love to children through the quality of our presence.

Love is connection and attention and the way we connect with them shapes their understanding and definition of love and emotional intimacy. If our desire to connect with them comes from a lack of love inside of us, love will register as co-dependent. If our attention on them comes from our own need for care, love will register as insecure and will begin a never-ending search for it. If we connect emotionally with them only when there is a problem, love will register as a solution, a transaction, not whole in itself. If our own needs overwhelm their needs, love will register as unsafe and a burden. This conditioning determines how we seek love, ask for it or not, recognize it or not, accept or refuse it, and how it feels to be around it. Eventually, this fragmented version of love won’t be enough because it is not true love. True love requires...

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Unleash Your Sacred Fire

Expressing and actualizing the light of our soul is life-giving. It awakens us, enlivens us, inspires our body and our mind, even when this fire comes up as anger, sadness, or hurt. Interfering with this light as it wants to move through our body, is life-interrupting, it stops creativity and strengthens shame and fear, and it isolates us. My adult brain understands this. But my body tells a different story. Every time I try to go beyond the walls of protection I have built inside, no matter how much I know what I want and who I am, my body holds me back, sounding the alarm: this is not safe?

As very young children, our light moved through our bodies uninterrupted. We existed as one reality, with a beautiful coherence between our soul, our feelings, our thoughts, our words and our actions. One us. We had a reverence for this life-force as it guided us creatively through each moment, we were whole. As we grew up, it became more important to manage our light and control how it came...

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You had a purpose before anyone had an opinion

higher calling purpose Jul 21, 2019

That's me, grade 4. If I had waited for other people to tell me what it is I do today, it would never have happened. If I waited for others to support me, to encourage me, to cheerlead me on toward the path I am on today, I would not be doing what I do. I was the one who had to believe in the tiny yet mighty impulse in my body. I had to listen to what my soul was telling me, deep down in my cells. I had to remember who that little girl was when spirit moved through her interrupted, before the world told her who she should, shouldn’t, could, couldn’t be. I had to dig my way through layers of doubt, fear, and shame about what I knew to be true, until I began to hear her a little louder. Then, I listened to her, patiently, like a mother would, often confused as I didn’t remember her language. No one else could truly understand why she felt the way she felt and why she wanted to do the things she did, I had to learn how to advocate for her, with my voice and...

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The Body Never Lies

#healing Jul 18, 2019

Energies have been intense lately, we are more raw and emotional than usual, often for no reasons we can see. The acceleration in vibration can be overwhelming but it is mixed with excitement that things are moving, growing like we are tapping into greater clarity, greater power. When how we feel makes no sense to our logical mind, remember that the body never lies. Ever. What if what you are invited to release is information that was registered in your body when you were pre-verbal, an infant, in the womb, or even in a past-life. Your logical mind doesn't have the validation of what it's about, you don't have access to the explanation, but your body remembers in its own way. It is an exercice in trusting your body, trusting that it is an instrument made to process and communicate information, but it doesn't speak English, it speaks with subtle and not so subtle sensations, colors, images, movements of energy, feelings, trembles, changes in temperature, insights and so much more....

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Contemplating Karma

consciousness karma Jul 03, 2019

Sitting on my new light-grey sofa, looking out the window at my lush front yard, listening to the birds, sipping on my delicious bulletproof coffee this morning, I was contemplating the concept of karma. I was trying to get to its simplest form: the perpetual wheel of desires followed by actions and perceptions, and then more desires, the cycle we all are caught up in, by virtue of being in human form and desiring things. There is nothing wrong with wanting things, it’s just that what we want can’t last. For many of us, moving through this layer of letting go of desire feels like letting go of being human altogether. So contemplating that brings us to wonder: if we could interrupt the cycle of pleasure and suffering for a greater experience of existence, would we?

Desire is such a central and exciting part of being human. To let it go completely would be missing out on the sensuality and the pure pleasure of being a spiritual being living in a human body. After all, we...

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Boundaries. Boundaries. Boundaries.

boundaries selflove Jun 04, 2019

Many of us who grew up learning to please in order to belong and to be seen. That was how love was modelled. We have this twisted belief that boundaries are unkind, unsafe, restrictive, not loving, and not generous. What we weren’t told is that without healthy boundaries we wither, dry out, shrivel and disappear. Not to be dramatic but many of us will give what we don’t have trying to fill a hole in others that can’t be filled until we reach the end of our precious supply and die. I see it all the time. The fear of losing “love” is so strong that disappearing is more appealing. But no one benefits from you leaving. What we need is your light. And for that you have to protect it, fiercely.

Take your cues from the tree   It knows how to honour life with clarity and groundedness, and to not take crap that will compromise its sacred life. True love for Self, Divine love for Soul, is not sacrifice and misery. If the tree did that, we would all...

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Breathe into the root of your being

breath meditation May 28, 2019

There is no conflict a few conscious breaths can’t lighten.

Try this: Breathe in through the nose, reach for the in breath from deep inside your lower belly or pull it up from the base of your spine, allowing your entire torso to inhale, filling up one chakra at a time with more oxygen than normal. Then hold your breath for one count at the top. Then breathe out through the mouth, constrict the throat slightly making the ocean sound “ha”, drop your jaw, soften your neck and mouth, releasing every tension in your face, exhaling out every last bit of air.

‍Three breaths like this will allow you to take a mental step back, creating more room for perspective and creativity.

‍Breathe like this for 3 minutes you will tap into your parasympathetic system and tell your body it is safe and it can heal.

‍Do it for 10 minutes and you will build the ground for intuition and wisdom to reveal themselves to your awareness.

‍Breathe like this multiple time...

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Listen with an open heart

Uncategorized May 25, 2019

Most of the time, the words we say come from the intellect. We say what we should say according to the rules we have accumulated from societal conditioning and parental programming. When it comes to how we truly feel, those words rarely see the light of day. But those real words are what human beings are all about. When we filter the real, we miss out on so much richness in our relationships. Once we know that most of us do this, we can begin to observe the non-verbal language a person expresses when they speak. If you allow yourself to not be in your intellect but be in your feelings inside your own body while you listen, you will see that even if the person in front of you says that they are fine, you will feel that they are hurting. When a person says that they have it all under control you will feel that they need help but don’t know how to ask.

Listening to someone like this is powerful. First, you don’t get defensive or triggered because you are not in your...

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