You Are More Brilliant Than The Sun

Just like a melody in the heart is not real until it is sung or played, a fire-stir in our belly is an abstraction until words are expressed and we are heard and witnessed 

Sound creates reality. So when you are vulnerable and permit yourself to speak the fire that lives in your belly, you give birth to your soul, you make the un-manifest manifest. You are more brilliant than the sun. You are the creator. You make tangible the abstract, the latent you that lives within the universe that you are.

That is an incredible power you hold with your voice. You are the sun animating life. Have you stopped to contemplate what you give life to? Vulnerability, openness, excitement, confusion, love, courage, emotional intimacy, laughter combined with healthy boundaries, safety and discernment, free us, heal us, make our dreams and visions real, when we expressed them. That is the power of our voice.

Your fire-sound also lands differently in the ear of the witness. The animating...

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Stepping Into The Leader You Were Born To Be

On the path, there comes a time when you can no longer keep for yourself the knowledge you have acquired along the way and the gifts you were born with. Your healing journey has freed you from the weight of insecurity and doubt, and you sense a deep desire to connect with others and share your own unique medicine with the world. You are an artist in the medium of life, a leader, and you want to inspire, teach, entertain, coach, guide others.

Arriving here is such an accomplishment. We know the bravery it takes to choose the awakened path, to face adversity differently than it was modelled to us, to go against how things should be done, to create from the unknown, to commit to it, and to stay loyal to our light, no matter what. We know the immense freedom and joy we find within, the reward for our patience and our trust.

To arrive at this place is also the beginning of a whole new chapter, a whole new way of being in the world. When we choose to step out publicly with what we know,...

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Being Done: Remapping The Path Of Your Soul

light self-love soul Mar 14, 2019

When you wake up to your soul and you make the decision to live aligned with the life-force of the universe, the way you used to do things will change drastically. You are now taking your cues from a very different place. When decisions were made from the intellect, now it is the heart and the soul that guide insights and choices. When results used to come from managing your days and controlling your environment, now results come from inviting and allowing the universe to unfold through you. You are the instrument for the god-force that you are. The PERSONAL YOU stops "doing". Instead, you are "being done" by the IMPERSONAL YOU.

This is a huge shift in how you live your life and it requires a whole lot of love, compassion, forgiveness and patience toward yourself. Your personal timeline gives way to the timeline of the divine and sacred intelligence of the universe. The details are out of your personal control and are handled by a much greater force moving through you.

You have to...

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The Man Of Light

light wayne dyer Mar 11, 2019

Glorious Monday 

I wanted to share this with you. A month before he passed away, Wayne sent the email below to a few of us. He was so excited for this book coming out: THE LIFE AND TEACHINGS OF PETER DEUNOV, for which he wrote the foreword. Here is the foreword. It is so incredibly potent for me these days, especially the "Man Of Light" part. 

"You are holding in your hands a book that I love, written by a Master whom I revere. I am honoured to say a few words in this collection of sayings and writings by the esteemed Peter Deunov in the English language. To me, Beinsa Douno as Dr. Deunov was affectionately referred to in his homeland of Bulgaria, ranks as one of the greatest and most influential spiritual teachers of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. I remember reading a quote by the eminent scientist Dr. Albert Einstein that prompted me to look into the life and teachings of this man, of whom I'd had no previous knowledge or awareness. "The whole world bows down...

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Coming Home

self-reliance teachers Feb 20, 2019

I found my first mentor by accident. Like most people I had studied under plenty of teachers and professors, but no one like Louise Lebrun. I say it was an accident, because I thought I had signed up for a seminar on women in business. Instead, I was confronted by a depth of content and an emotional intimacy that I had never experienced before. It was a unique combination of science, spirituality and self-empowerment. A shaman practicing NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming)

My mind was racing. I wanted to leave because it wasn’t what I thought it would be. I couldn’t discern any tools or strategies. Yet, something in my heart made me stay. It was soaking up energy and information that my mind couldn’t understand. By the end of the seminar, I had experienced a personal breakthrough that would dramatically change the trajectory of my life.

I continued to take courses with Louise for several years. I dove deep into her work and her community and I became certified as a...

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Moving From Reacting to Creating

I am often asked this question: When I try to meditate, I fall asleep. What does it mean? The deep and enlightened answer to that question is: it means you are tired ; )

It’s the same thing when you finally make space for your creative work. You carve out a couple of hours or a few days out of your routine for it, and you get sick or you are too tired to focus or tap into your creativity. It means your body needs rest, attention, and support.

We are so conditioned to be busy, to fill up our days with tasks that often the first time we have a chance to stop and realize how tired we really are is when we hit the pillow at night. Chances are we weren’t very creative that day because soul-fuelled creativity requires us to be present to our being, to pause long enough to hear or feel the communication from our soul.

When I left my teaching job at the university for focusing on my passion full-time and become self-employed, I found it very challenging to go from...

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Talk It

anger fire talk it Dec 13, 2018

A few days ago, I had coffee with a friend, the best kind of friend, the kind that asks you huge questions like “What are you most afraid of these days Anne?” I went into myself to feel this question, and I stared at him for a little while. Then, from this ache in my chest, I said: “I am afraid of what my anger can do.” His question came toward the end of our time together, so after he left, I sat there by myself in a hot mess of emotions (Thanks a lot Nick ; ) but really, thank you ) and this is what I wrote...

I remember rage, in Grade 10. I was in Quebec city with my basketball team playing a tournament game against an all-girl private school team, and they were vicious. When the refs weren’t looking, they’d trip us on purpose and throw elbows in the rib cage any chance they had. None of the coaches were seeing what was happening, and I remember just steaming inside. I’d never experienced anything like that. Then, in the last...

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The Ground Is Wobbly

fire knowing Sep 28, 2018

I am raw, swirling inside, ungrounded. As I watched my 10-year-old daughter holding back tears as she walks out of the car and heading into school this morning, my insides are crumbling. She feels trapped, unable to find an exit from the overwhelming fear that has taken over her normally bright and fierce self these past few weeks. She can’t find her way through this heaviness, she feels not in control of herself, and it splits my heart open.

Is it pre-puberty, a new teacher and new classmates, the car accident she was in last winter, a sudden and new awareness of mortality, her older brother going through his own changes, me travelling, the recent encounter with a verbally violent neighbour, or is it a combination of all these things coming together in a perfect storm… whatever it is, it is bringing her to the edge of her own awareness of safety in her body, and of her sense of power in this world.

In this intensity, I feel my own shakiness, which dissimulates an anger...

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You've Got This

who am i Aug 21, 2018

If you are anything like me and growing up you adopted "pleasing" as a way of being seen and validated by your environment, then pleasing has kept you safe for a long, long time. Pleasing has built walls so you could protect yourself emotionally, spiritually and perhaps even physically, and survive your world. And maybe you have embarked on a journey of letting go of pleasing others in this way that is not healthy for you, and you know that others’ happiness and comfort is not your job nor your responsibility anymore. Maybe you have realized that what you really want is to know yourself beyond this pattern and you want to be able to love in a different way, with healthy boundaries. I get you.

Then you might come to a point where you ponder this question:  who was I before I began to please? Who was the little boy or the little girl before they fragmented into multiple “selves” to accommodate, to keep the peace, to manage others’ emotions? And when you...

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The Pedestal

Oh, this is a juicy topic. It is of the hour. I am so fascinated by our desire as human beings to put others on a pedestal, to give our power away in order to feel some peace, some respite from our suffering, some lasting joy.

I did it. Beginning with my mother, for a long long time, then with “mother figures" like Sai Maa, and Anita, then with “father figures” like Wayne and with priests in the Catholic church growing up. I did it with men. Oh did I ever betray myself in my teens and my twenties, when I crossed the boundary line between “I want to share love with you” and “this is not ok but I can't remember where to find my voice”. I even did it with Paul to some extent. It is hard-wired in me, conditioned deep in my cells, to feel like another has my answers, another holds my worth, the key to my success, to my ultimate happiness.

Sometimes these happenings have opened up doors within myself and gave me access to more profound dimensions...

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