Continuously rebirthing our light into matter

Anne Berube
Continuously rebirthing our light into matter
I often invite my clients to imagine their body as a prism, just like the one on the Dark Side Of The Moon by Pink Floyd CD cover: the white light represents our core essence, our light force, the prism represents the body, and the rainbow represents the life you create, your expression in the world, your words and your actions.
When the body is clear and peaceful, the expression of our light force is in alignment, in resonance with our source, and we feel grounded, well, content. When our body is cluttered or clouded, the movement of light is interrupted, we feel out of sync, tired, stressed, anxious, or depressed, especially if we try to address the issue mainly with our intellect.
We can't always have a clear vessel. It's not the goal, and it really shouldn't be the destination because, by virtue of being boundless consciousness expressing through a three-dimensional body, we will constantly (unless we shed the body) be going through contraction and expansion.
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Redefining Safety and Reprioritizing Life

Uncategorized Jan 02, 2022

Happy New Year, beautiful souls! 

May 2022 be the year you remember who you are and share your unique medicine with the world. We need you to be you, out loud, now more than ever!

With everything that has happened in the past couple of years, it's easy to let fear take over. Many of us have forgotten how to trust life. With our increased focus on the news and the global pandemic, our hearts have entrained with fear-based messaging and anxiety in the people around us. 

We know who we are, and we know what we want. But often, we close in on ourselves unconsciously, from a fear that is not even ours, that does belong to us. 

The incessant low-grade worrying that operates in the background without our conscious awareness sucks our energy. We become exhausted from always "fighting" and "protecting ourselves." Our bodies are intelligent, so to survive, we become apathetic. This is a protection mechanism. Our bodies are trying to keep us healthy and alive by shutting...

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It is safe to be sensitive

#soulrealization Dec 20, 2021

When I look back at 2021, I feel dizzy. The emotional rollercoaster was a lot to take for many of us. I often felt like my shoulders shrugged in, my heart tempted to close up. The disappointment felt was existential, like I couldn't be who I truly am, but not because I was in my own way. It felt the world was in my way. I saw how easy it was to give in to fear and go back to more safe, logical, and measured ways of moving through the world...

 Instead, I accepted the invitation and dug deeper. I found a wound in my heart that had been there for eons, a wound that said, "it is not safe to be that sensitive and that open, because in the end, it will hurt, you will be disappointed."

Familiar? This belief can take you back into old patterns very fast. It can easily be justified by how people around you live their life. It takes a lot of patience, trust in your core-essence, and more patience to move through. Your inner child holds this core wound, and it will work hard at...

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Emergent Self: Tapping Into Your Third Eye

meditation Nov 15, 2021
Anne Berube
Emergent Self: Tapping Into Your Third Eye

Our chakra energy system can be separated into three parts. 

The first four chakras (root, sacral, solar plexus, and heart) represent the past and hold the memory of past experiences, from childhood and in utero, and the unprocessed traumas we have gone through even as adults. So in order to heal the past, we must sink into ourselves, make direct contact with our inner landscape, and explore what lives in us at the cellular & energetic levels. The first four chakras, when healthy, allow us to process and transform at a rapid pace. Experiences that relate to our sense of safety, belonging, ability to take action, and sense of identity move through us and resolve without interruption. As the expression of who we are to the world, these four chakras are supposed to change, transform, and expand over and over again. So healing is not a one-time thing. It is an ongoing journey that always brings us more into the integration of who we truly are. One should always start here on...

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Adieu, Dear Soul Brother

Uncategorized Oct 15, 2021
I hope you know, dear friend, dear soul-brother, that you had a huge impact. You chose the road less traveled, over and over again, even when it was uncertain, difficult, and against the good opinions of others. You inspired thousands to live with awareness and seek to deepen their own consciousness. You gave people second chances, helped them see through and beyond their traumas, their hurt. You accompanied so many on the journey to meeting their potential. You saved lives. We just wished we could have saved yours.
There was so much left to do, dear Stephane. So many places and people to connect with, grow with, love with. So much more to feel and delight in. Right now, I don't understand, and I am heartbroken. It feels like your work here was cut short. You leaving now doesn't feel right, it doesn't feel timely. I might never understand. I love you. Thank you for all of it. It was a gift to have known you.
J'espère que tu sais, cher ami, frère de mon...
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Discernement, Calibration of Energy, and The Voice Chakra

Our voice is the bridge between our inner and outer worlds. We BECOME when we speak the truth of our experience, when we put sound to what we know to be true. We accelerate our healing and transformation when we sound ourselves out and are witnessed by others. Although we can do a lot of personal development work in the privacy of our own mind, if we don't go out into the world and are not heard and seen for who we truly are, we can only go so far in realizing our soul. Our voice is the instrument the fire of our soul needs to actualize itself.
In my live programs, I see firsthand how life-changing it is to speak out loud the truth of our own experience and be witnessed by others. We can speak our truth more easily when we feel safe and can be witnessed by a group that is compassionate and non-judgemental. This kind of environment helps our nervous system redefine safety, so when we go back into the world, there is less of an edge to our emotions when we want to speak. When we find...

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Grounding Earth Mother Guided Meditation

Safety is one of the most important values I hold in the work I do with others. Without safety, nothing can truly change or transform. When we don’t feel safe, physically and/or emotionally, in our environment or in our body, we can’t go very far in our healing, we can't easily contemplate love for ourselves, let alone the realization of our soul.
Someone once asked Deepak if it would be good to go teach meditation to children and adults in underdeveloped or war-torn countries, and he said no. What they need first is food, shelter, and a sense that the ground is not going to shift under them at any moment. Before they can consider higher needs like self-esteem, inner peace, or spiritual contemplation, they need their primary needs met.
How does this hierarchy of needs apply to us here in the west where many of us are privileged, with most of our basic needs taken care of?
Even though most of us have shelter and food, I am sure you have noticed that when you worry...
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When I decided I wanted to do my Ph.D., it was very much a decision from my intellect. I wanted to become a university professor, and graduate work was the path to it. It was a practical, logical, and ego-pleasing want. I know now that the core essence impulse inside me wanted to be a teacher, but I let my mind decide how. I worked hard at it, persevered and I did achieve my goal. However, when I graduated, I did not have the feeling of joy I thought I would have, but instead, I found myself wondering, what’s next?
This is an example of self-realization as opposed to soul-realization. I had an idea of who I wanted to become, and I put all my attention towards becoming that person. You may be able to do anything you put your focus on, but self-realization is ephemeral. It doesn’t satisfy the soul.
  Soul-realization, on the other hand, is eternal. Instead of putting your focus on goals, your self-image, or what you think you want, you place it on the abstract inner...

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Ask for you need

Happy June beautiful souls!
Learning how to ask for what you need is a powerful agent of transformation. When you speak up for what you need, you begin to attract what is necessary for your needs to be met—and your life changes.
Voicing on the outside what is true inside creates your reality, your words make things so. So, if you have been trying to do all this spiritual and emotional work on your own and you have not asked for help, this is when I tell you that you can only go so far alone : )
You can get insights on your own, reading books and taking courses but without a witness in the flesh combined with your voice asking out loud for support, you are only doing the preliminary work of transformation. Things really change when you speak up and give your heart's needs a voice.
But often, we don't even know what we need. Especially if it's been a long time since we’ve listened and connected to that part of ourselves. It can be difficult to access your desires if you...
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Soul Realization

#soulrealization May 18, 2021
Expressing and actualizing the light of our soul is life-giving. It awakens us, enlivens us, inspires our body and our mind, even when this fire comes up as anger, sadness, or hurt. Interfering with this light as it wants to move through our body, is life-interrupting, it stops creativity and strengthens shame and fear, and it isolates us.
My adult brain understands this. But my body tells a different story. Every time I try to go beyond the walls of protection I have built inside, no matter how much I know what I want and who I am, my body sounding the alarm: this is not safe?
As very young children, our light moved through our bodies uninterrupted. We existed as one reality, with a beautiful coherence between our soul, our feelings, our thoughts, our words, and our actions. One us. We had a reverence for this life-force as it guided us creatively through each moment, we were whole. As we grew up, it became more important to manage our light and control...
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