Self-Care for Over-Givers

Uncategorized Aug 03, 2020
Does your day begin with other people in mind? Perhaps you wake up in the morning with the best of intentions to share your gifts with others in the best way possible. You have hopes and dreams for the people you care for, your children, your clients, your patients, your customers, your family, and your friends. You do it because you are a giver. You have a big heart with extra love to give. Nothing is more meaningful or brings you more joy than to help ease someone else’s pain, to inspire them, to care for them, to teach them, to make them feel better.
You are attentive to everyone’s needs. You spend your day, on a sort of “selfless service automatic pilot”, extending your resources to others, whether it is finding creative solutions to improve your clients’ businesses, your customers’ lives, or your patients’ health, listening to your coworkers’ marital problem around the water cooler, offering a helping hand to a...
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Remember Who You Are

intuition Jul 27, 2020

So much of the truth of our experience is abstract and is felt beyond our five senses. Many of us weren’t encouraged to validate and trust the intangible feelings of creativity, wisdom, and spiritual truth, mostly because others couldn’t see, touch, hear, or understand what we were talking about. There is little in the outside world to show for this abstract energy within, yet it feels real to us, more than anything else in the “real world.” This is the artist’s way. She knows how true her experience within is. So much so that she HAS to make it tangible to the outside world. But until she creates it, she is alone with her knowing. She is asked to believe in her feelings, in her inner vibrations, in the insubstantial vibes of her musings. It is her faith in the unseen that gives her the strength, the courage, and the patience to engage and manifest her knowing.
You are the artist. Life is your medium and intuition is your muse. No one else can fully know...

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Re-Mapping Your Soul's History

Uncategorized Jul 20, 2020

When you wake up, or re wake up to your true nature and make the decision to live aligned with your core-essence, the way you used to do things will change drastically. You are now taking your cues from a very different place. When in the past, decisions have mostly been made with the intellect, now it is the heart and the soul that guide insights and choices. When results used to come from managing your days and controlling your environment, now results come from inviting and allowing what you know to be true to unfold through you. You are the instrument for the life force energy and the intelligence that you are. The PERSONAL YOU stops doing. Instead, you are being done by the IMPERSONAL YOU.

This is a huge shift in how you live your life, and it requires a whole lot of love, compassion, forgiveness, and patience toward yourself. These uncertain times we are currently in are inviting us to deepen this way of being as we create a new earth, a new way. We are asked to let go of so...

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Who Were You Before Others Needed You?

Uncategorized Jul 13, 2020

To you my fellow caregiver, my peer, my dear colleague. To my soul sister, my soul brother, you with the sensitive and wide-open heart, who is here to serve, to love, to guide. To you who has been over-giving and depleting your precious energy. I see you 

I am a caregiver. I have been all my life. And as a child, I learned to care for others in return for their love. As an adult, I followed my heart into burnout. I hit emotional walls, many times. I was perplexed: if I am following my calling, how can it feel so heavy and exhausting? Yet, no matter what the cost, I found myself drawn back into service by my burning desire to serve. Something inside propelled me to share all that I had with others. Guiding people to find emotional freedom was the most important and most meaningful thing in my life. Over and over, I found myself drained, depleted, disillusioned, and sick. Eventually, this pattern would precipitate a crisis. A series of wake up calls, some louder than others that...

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On Self-Love

Uncategorized Jul 09, 2020

Self-love can be elusive. We all agree that loving all of ourselves (not in an ego way but in a deep soul way) is the path to a good life, but you might not be sure how to do go about it. The relationship you have with yourself is the most important one. You will be with you longer than anyone else on the planet so you better make it the best relationship you have. Begin by talking to yourself out loud with kindness and compassion. Consider this simple exercise. When things feel great and you have a moment of joy or contentment, look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself “You and I did this. We are a team and we created this happiness. Well done beautiful. I love you more than anything.” It might feel weird at first but if you keep doing it many times a day for a few days, you will start to feel different and you will begin to understand what love that comes from within feels like. And the universe will send you more experiences of self-reliance and self-autonomy...

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Boundaries Are Loving

Many of us who grew up learning to please in order to belong and to be seen. That was how love was modeled. We have this twisted belief that boundaries are unkind, unsafe, restrictive, not loving, and not generous. What we weren’t told is that without healthy boundaries we wither, dry out, shrivel and disappear. Not to be dramatic but many of us will give what we don’t have trying to fill a hole in others that can’t be filled until we reach the end of our precious supply and die. I see it all the time. The fear of losing “love” is so strong that disappearing is more appealing. But no one benefits from you leaving. What we need is your light. And for that you have to protect it, fiercely.

If you have kids you know you wouldn’t let them deplete their resources with a person that sucks life out of people. You wouldn’t. You would protect them from the predator with all that you’ve got until they learn to do it on their own. We have to do...

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